DEAD JACKSONS "Greatest Hits" demo
DEAD JACKSONS "Greatest Hits": Fantastic! These guys really tickle my fancy, kicking out some fun, silly, thrashy punk tunes. Recorded very well (album quality), they display on this tape an impressive amount of talent. Although they seem to take themselves and their music lightly sometimes, it's very obvious that a lot of thought and musicianship went into this tape. It starts off very strong with the best song, "Driving In Place," and ends almost as strong with "You Laugh I Cry." In between, they go with a very original sound and dare to go where punk bands have never gone before including an amazing cover of Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" (hilarious!). A great effort! Get it before it's no longer available! [MICKEY]
[Originally published: Issue #5, circa 1988]